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What Makes a Great Corporate Consulting Project

1. Real question resulting in decisions and action.

2. Has an executive sponsor committed to the project, who will assemble senior stakeholders for the final presentation.

3. Clients looking for a fresh perspective on an unsolved problem/opportunity, not just another opinion on an already decided course of action.

4. Measurable outcomes/results – such as profitability impact, revenue growth, cost reduction, customer satisfaction improvement, market share growth, etc.

5. Corporate Consulting projects are generally focused on current operations and leveraging existing resources rather than entrepreneurial activities

6. Lends itself to quantitative and qualitative analysis with data collected through both secondary and primary research.

7. Appropriate for graduate student level of analysis – 2nd year MBAs and graduate students in Science, Engineering, and Technology.

8. Project fits our Fall and Spring semester timelines of late-August to early-December and mid-January to late-April.

9. Reasonable scope for a 3-4 month project by a 5 member student team each putting in about 10 hours per week (600-700 hours).

10. Key client representative(s) as project liaison(s) committed to spending 2-3 hours a week during the execution of the project.